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Farewell, for now, Gin Ivy, Oliver and Ivver!
"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people."
- Philemon 7
It is with grateful AND heavy hearts that we say "farewell" to Gin Ivy, Oliver, and Ivver! They have been such a huge encouragement to our fellowship and specially to our Tri-Valley Fellowship Group.
It has been an amazing couple of years seeing God work in their family: Gin Ivy was restored, Ivver was baptized, and Gin Ivy's mother and father, Cynthia and Ray were baptized! Known for their always-willing hospitality, and Gin Ivy's amazing food, their family has provided so many meaningful times of friendship, fellowship, and connection for many of their friends and disciples alike! Their move will leave a huge hole in our hearts!
Ivver graduated from Berean Christian High School this year, and will be attending Southeastern University in Florida on a baseball scholarship starting this Fall. Gin Ivy and Oliver will be relocating to Floriday themselves, and the adventure God has them on will continue!
We know God will continue to use them as a blessing to their new church family, and, thankfully, Cynthia and Ray will still be here - so we know we will see them all back here for visits!
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Shanece will be moving back to Florida... We will miss you and look forward to your return!
Shanece commenced a one-year fellowship at the Berkeley National Laboratory last September and is now nearing the end of her appointment here in the Bay area. She will return to Florida where she is slated to graduate in May 2025. Shanece was born and raised on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts. She obtained a B.S. in Chemistry at the University of the Virgin Islands and then joined the 2-year Bridge to the Ph.D. program at Columbia University. Currently she is a fifth year PhD student in Materials Engineering at Florida International University in Miami. Her research revolves mostly around the study of materials at extreme temperature and pressure conditions (think rockets re-entering earth’s atmosphere. Apart from spending countless hours in the lab, reading scientific articles and writing some of her own, Shanece enjoys solving puzzles, painting, and spending time with her wonderful family in Christ. Her spiritual journey began on May 13th, 2014, when she made the decision to choose Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior, was baptized, and has been dedicated to serving him ever since. Shanece grew up as a kingdom kid and has a passion for youths, primarily campus and young professionals. She enjoys serving in whatever capacity is necessary and encouraging her fellow brothers and sisters. In her spare time, she enjoys eating ice-cream and hanging out with others, while eating ice-cream. Shanece has enjoyed every moment of her time here with the SF Bay Fellowship and looks forward to her timely return. Shanece hopes to return to California to complete her postdoctoral research and then become a research professor thereafter. We love you Shanece, you will be missed, and we already looking forward to your return! |
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Women's Monthly Saturday Morning BreakfastSaturday, August 3, 2024 Join us for our next monthly Sister's Breakfast! All sisters are welcome to join us and please feel free to invite friends to join us in this fun time with food and fellowship! This month we will be meeting in Pinole. See details below: Time: 8:30 AM Place: Tina's Place Address: 2310 San Pablo Ave, Pinole All sisters and friends are welcome! Please RSVP by August 1. We hope to see you there! For more infomation visit:
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Thanks To All Who Helped in HOPE worldwide's Family Service Weekend
We wanted to thank all of you who served last weekend with HOPE worldwide (HWW) as they celebrated their annual Family Service Weekend. We joined HWW in the Tenderloin as we partnered with City Hope to serve a pancake breakfast to 209 members of the Tenderloin community in San Francisco last Saturday morning. In addition, on Sunday, a group in the East Bay and another in the West Bay put together backpacks filled with school supplies and a handmade card for each child made by some of the kids in the SF Bay Fellowship! It is truly a privilege to serve God by honoring our neighbors in need—and who knew it could bring such joy, too! We look forward to additional opportunities to serve with HWW, and we hope that you can join us as we partner with them at one of their future events during the holiday season. |
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Join Us At One Of Our Upcoming Events!
Join us for one of our Sunday church services around the Bay Area. Midweeks will continue by Fellowship Group for the month of August. You can go to Find My People on our website to find email addresses for each fellowship group to inquire about midweek services. We have many things happening here at the SF Bay Fellowship next month, and we hope you can join us soon! Enjoy the summer weather, and have a wonderful week! Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. - Col 3:16 (CEV) For more infomation visit: