Life Lessons I'm Learning

Darryl and Yolanda Freeman from San Diego who used to serve in the ministry here in the Bay Area for many years will be our guest speakers.

Darryl and Yolanda Freeman became disciples in 1989, while students at The University of Maryland and Howard University. They were quickly hired as fulltime ministers in the Wash., D.C. Church of Christ where they led campus ministries of their alma maters in addition to the single ministry. After getting married in 1991, they were sent out to plant the Norfolk Church of Christ in 1992, which quickly became the fastest growing church of its size in the U.S. within the International Churches of Christ.   In 1993, they moved to Oakland, CA where they led the vibrant Oakland ministry until 2003. During this time, the ministry converted many talented leaders who’ve played significant roles in contributing to the overall leadership and growth of the entire church.