Calling all young people! We are gathering to talk about serving the poor. We will hear from a panel of local individuals who have served on a HOPE Volunteer Corp (HVC) followed by an engaging and interactive message from Matt Rollins on My Brother's Keeper - Jesus's radical call to show up for the unheard, the hurting, and the down-and-out in our communities.
Following this event, there will be an optional "on your own" dinner in San Francisco. Details will be shared at the event.
Matt Rollins became a Christian at the University of Washington in Seattle in 2004. After graduating, he spent the first fourteen years of his career serving in the full-time ministry throughout the US and Western Canada before moving with his family out to Atlanta to begin working for HOPE worldwide. In the fall, he'll be taking on doctoral studies at Wake Forest University. He loves talking about God's heart for the materially poor and watching Christians spiritually transform by loving their communities through service.